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Find a Vet Before You Need a Vet

Be prepared… isn’t that the Boy Scout motto? It’s a pretty good motto for just about anyone — especially pet owners.

I recently read a story of a woman who took her dog on vacation with her. While on vacation, the dog began suffering from bloata serious and life-threatening condition. She brought her dog to the nearest vet.

The story could have ended badly except for one thing: the dog’s owner was an experienced vet tech. She recognized the bloat from the x-rays and overruled the vet’s desire to do more tests before acting. As soon as the dog was stabilized, the owner headed for the nearest veterinary school for her dog’s surgery.

The lesson I took away from this? Don’t just pick the nearest vet — pick the best vet. Do your research and look for things like accreditation, board certification, and specialization. If you’ll be traveling, spend some time to find a trustworthy vet at your destination — before you need them. You might not need them at all.

So how do you find a skilled veterinarian? Start researching.

  • Visit www.healthypet.com to look for veterinarians who are accredited by the American Animal Hospital Association.
  • Visit www.abvp.com to find veterinarians who are certified by the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners.
  • Visit the practice’s website to look at the educational backgrounds of each vet. Look for continuing education, specialties, and ABVP certification.
  • Ask your regular veterinarian if they know any practices near your vacation destination.
  • Look for veterinary schools near your vacation destination. Schools are generally up on the latest tests and treatments.
  • Talk to other pet owners about their vets.
  • Make an appointment to interview each practice (if you have the time and desire). This may be more useful for your local, regular vet, rather than an emergency vet… you probably don’t want to spend your vacation talking to a bunch of different vets!