In Relief Society this past Sunday, our Relief Society President announced our ward’s theme for 2011. “Find the Joy”. Our President referenced the talk by President Monson titled, “Finding Joy in the Journey“. He gave this talk in 2008, but it is something I definitely need to be reminded of in 2011.
I am not one to make New Year’s resolutions. I have in the past, but I often don’t think much about them after setting them, so it hasn’t really served me well. So, I guess, I don’t take them too seriously. However, this past week, I have been feeling a little less than enthusiastic about the New Year. So many people are posting positive things on their blogs, and facebook pages, and I was left feeling like I wasn’t too optimistic about much of anything right now. So, just when you think no one understands, you have a lesson in church that lets you know that the Lord understands, and He knows what you need to hear at that moment. I needed to be reminded to find joy in 2011. So, that is my only resolution that I am setting.
A quote was shared in the lesson by Richard G. Scott. It says, “Your joy in life depends upon your trust in Heavenly Father and His holy Son, your conviction in their plan of happiness truly can bring you joy.” What an interesting thought to ponder. My joy depends entirely on whether or not I trust my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and Their plan. Interesting.
Well, I do trust Them. I don’t often remind myself of that, however. I served a mission, I have a strong testimony, yet sometimes, we become so lazy about our testimonies that we don’t remind ourselves that we have one! I do have faith that my Heavenly Father has a plan for me, yet sometimes, I don’t find joy in that plan. Life is hard. It is not always easy. We face trials and obstacles that weigh us down and make us feel hopeless. Yet, if we remind ourselves of our own testimonies, of our own faith, then it will be easier to lift up our heads and find joy in the moment.
Our President talked about how it is still OK to feel sadness when life is hard, to mourn, to have feelings, however, we need not dwell on them for longer than necessary. We need to focus on the Lord’s plan, recognize His hand in our lives, and find the joy in each new day that we have. One sweet sister in our ward, who just turned 90, raised her hand and said that she starts out each day with a prayer of thanks. In her morning prayers, she does not ask for anything, she only thanks Heavenly Father for all that she has. She said that she is always amazed at how long just thanking Him for her blessings can go on! What a good example to us all.
Join me in 2011 in setting one resolution. To find joy in the journey.
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