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Finding Balance

It can be difficult to find balance in your life. This can be particularly difficult during the holidays, when you are rushing from activity to activity and trying to bring the Christmas spirit into your home. It can be difficult to find the time, energy and motivation that you need to do the things, which are most important in your life. If you are looking to find balance and struggling because you are down or have a low energy level you need to care for yourself.

First take a look at your spiritual well being. Are you making the time to pray and read your scriptures every day? Are you taking time to meditate and find peace in your life? Are you attending church and preparing yourself to take the Sacrament each week? Are you attending the temple on a regular basis? These may seem like more things that you have to do, but they will help you to prioritize everything else. They will help you to find peace. You may find that you can accomplish more when you put the gospel first in your life, I know I do.

Second take a look at how you are caring for yourself physically. If you are not getting the proper rest, exercise and nutrition, your body is going to have a difficult time keeping up with everything you need to do each day. If you make sure to get enough sleep, and eat healthy every day you will have more energy to do the things that you need to. Exercise can give you endurance, it can help you sleep better and help to increase your mood.

Third you need to take time to take care of yourself emotionally. You should not allow yourself to become rundown in this area. Take the time to relax every single day. Spend time outside so that you get enough sunlight. Laugh with those around. Most importantly learn to say no to others and not feel badly about it. Your priorities and your family’s priorities need to come first.

As the new year approaches take the time to find balance. Make a commitment to yourself, that you will strive for balance, so that you can accomplish all that you want to. You can find peace in the new year, and you do not need to feel frazzled all the time.

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