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Finding Peace on the Sabbath

It is important to realize that the Sabbath Day is a day of rest. Many people try to cram so much into a Sunday, that they are left exhausted at the end of it. As a mother to three young children, there is rarely a Sunday that I do not come home exhausted from church. At times I wonder if all of my hard work is worth it, but I know that it is. Since church attendance is anything but peaceful right now, I find that I need to do more at home on Sunday to help me find that spiritual rest and peace that I truly need.

One of the biggest things that I do is the bare minimum when it comes to housework. While I cook dinner and clear up after dinner, I usually stack the dishes in the sink. Additionally I do not clean up the toys around the house or attempt to do anything else. While this does mean I have a little bit more work on Mondays, I find that it is truly helpful for me to be able to let go of my focus on the home. If I expect the home teachers over, I have the kids stay and play in their rooms only.

Currently I struggle to hear any of the lessons, since I have one that is not quite in Nursery. This makes studying the lessons in advance that much more important. I like to take some extra time in addition to my scripture study time to study the gospel. I also enjoy writing in my journal on Sundays. Each of these activities help me to adjust my perspective and bring me an additional measure of peace.

I also make sure that the house feels peaceful by choosing appropriate music and videos for my children to watch and listen to. This really helps to set the day apart as well. I also like to spend a little extra time with my children after church, just being a family. This closeness can help to carry us all through a busy and hectic week.

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