I will be the first to admit that the word “routine” is enough to send many people running the other way. In fact, I am amazed that I have been able to implement any sort of routine because I like to think of myself as one of those spontaneous, go with the flow people who does not like to be fenced in. Perhaps I am not really as free flowing as I perceive myself to be, but maybe that is a good thing. I have found through experience that the only way that I can manage to get most of what I want and need to get done each day is to follow a routine of sorts.
If you are still running the other way because I just said “routine”, you can stop now. There is quite a bit of open space and undelegated time built into my days. Those times are just as important as the things that are scheduled to happen at specific times, and perhaps even more important. All home – based professionals can benefit from having free time during their day to do as they please. Those of us that are home – based professional parents need it not only for ourselves, but for our kids. These are the times when we can turn to the little ones and ask them “what would you like to do?”. Whether they want to go outside, read a book with you, or do something else entirely, the simple act of asking them to choose what you will do for a period of time seems to have magical properties. I have even seen it make an impact on what happens during the rest of the day – you know, the times when you must try to inspire their compliance as you do the things that you need to do.
Time management is a very important skill for a home – based professional. Schedules and routines are a big part of that. Home – based professional parents also have the added challenge of becoming skilled at balancing our needs with the needs of our little ones. Building unstructured time into your days can be a wonderful tool for strengthening the bond between you and your children as well as managing your time well. All that it takes for me to remember how important free time is for families is seeing the giant grin on my two year old’s face when I ask him what he would like to do.
Photo by spike on morguefile.com.