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Finding the Way Back

So often we want to have our lives all mapped up out. We wish God would provide a blueprint for our lives. But God doesn’t work that way. And we shouldn’t expect him to.

I don’t know about you, but I’m a shocker for misplacing things. I put them down, sometimes even in a safe place and then I can’t remember where I put them. Sometimes we can be like that in our Christian lives. We forget what we should be doing. We get off track and can’t find our way back. We have lost our way. And the sad thing is its not just individual Christians who can lose their way. Sometimes a church can lose its way.

A nation too can lose their way, as God’s people Israel did. Time and time again they lost their way. Read the book of Exodus and you’ll see how, even after God brought them out of Egypt, they lost their way and wouldn’t follow God into the Promised Land because they let fear get better of them. They thought they knew better than God.

Even after they eventually got into the Promised Land, they repeatedly lost their way and God send prophets to help them. Jeremiah was one of those prophets. The people despised him and didn’t want to listen, because his message wasn’t one they wanted to hear. They didn’t want to hear and about judgment or captivity. All they wanted to hear about was peace and prosperity. Sounds a bit like our world today, doesn’t it? There are churches that want to teach of God’s love but not His judgment. Or teach about experiencing God and joy in life but not repentance. The two need to go hand in hand.

Have you lost track of God’s plan for your life? Do you feel you are constantly under attack and going nowhere? There is a way back. That way is one King David also found. Look at Psalm 51. It is the way of repentance and confession of sin. The way of handing your life back into God’s hands and trusting him with each day, as well as the future, instead of trying to plan it all out yourself. Will you take God’s way

God’s Blueprint for Life

The Church in Danger

How Important is Timing?

Don’t Be a Jonah

Be Encouraged

Life Lessons from Isaiah