As a single parent it is often difficult to find time to work in a good work out during your day. After all you have to get children ready for school, yourself to work, kids picked up from the sitter or school, dinner made, homework done, housework completed and finally bedtime. How and when can you find time to get moving and get healthy?
I personally found it difficult to find the time being single with a baby. I felt guilt after being away from her all day so to go to the gym and leave her with the gym daycare for even just one hour felt like further abandonment. I ended up buying a treadmill and putting it in my bedroom so when she was sleeping or playing I could hop on and get a run in. That worked great until she was a toddler and began looking at me and laughing every time I got on saying “mommy funny!” Hard to keep moving when you are being laughed at, even by a toddler.
Exercise tapes are good as well. Put them in the DVD player and jazzercise your way to good health in the comfort of your living room! If you happen to live in an apartment however, this can be difficult. The hopping, jumping and wild movements may leave your neighbors wishing you would hit the gym instead of their ceiling floor.
Making time to work out in addition to a healthy diet will help you feel more energized. Regular exercise also affects mood and overall attitude. There are so many health benefits to aerobic activity as well as the fact that when you get moving you tend to feel better and more confident about your appearance. We all need a confidence booster from time to time and what better way to get it then to help our self-image along through movement.
Although it is often too time consuming to get to a gym during the week, take advantage of your living room and resources available to you at home. You’ll be glad you did!