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Finding Value in Your Job

The reality is that we spend more time working in our lives than doing any other activity. In order to make it through life truly satisfied; you need to find some value in your job. This does not mean you have to make a ton of money or only do work that benefits society as a whole. What it means is you have to find a way to be true to yourself in your career choices.

Before you can determine the best job, you have to take some time to get to know YOU. While this can be harder than you think, the process is truly rewarding. Take some time to sit down and write out the following:

1. What do you most hope for in life?

2. Imagine a dream job and dream lifestyle, what would you be doing?

3. What is your greatest strength – the couple of things you are most skilled at naturally?

4. List your demons… those weakness that are inherent in all you do.

5. Write a story of the perfect fantasy life.

6. Describe your fears that prevent you from living this fantasy.

If you take some time to go through this exercise fully and completely, you will no doubt arrive at the other side with a better sense of purpose. This self-confidence will help you move towards the next step of finding value in your job.

Too many of us look at only external factors for a sense of happiness. Even if your dad always wanted you to be a doctor, you may not actually have the same internal goals. Having a better perspective of what you want and what you need to do to get there helps all job seekers not only find the job they want, but actually get it. Knowing YOU makes for a better interview and resume. It also helps you prepare for the future you want and deserve.

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