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Finding Ways to Mark the Passing Time

Kids grow up. There doesn’t seem to be much we can do about that, or maybe we do so much about that process of “growing up” as parents that it just seems so normal and obvious. I do think in our culture, however, we’ve lost sight of the importance of taking time out to acknowledge developmental and maturity leaps and to mark that passing of time and phases with any sort of ritual. I think we need to find ways of acknowledging and celebrating milestones and changes.

Now, I should probably admit to you that my kids tease me, saying that I can find a way to make a celebration out of anything–but I think it is important to notice and mark the stepping stones on the road to adulthood. Things have become so blurry and confusing and childhood has been extended for such a long time compared to other cultures and other times–how do kids know where they are on the path if we can’t acknowledge and take notice of the changes?

It doesn’t have to be a huge party every time a child makes movement toward adulthood–but little commemorative gifts, a special dinner after taking the SATs, a lunch out to celebrate the start of a new school year (or the ending of one), and making a bit of a fuss with a cake or a handwritten card periodically to celebrate an achievement are all ways that we can mark the passing of time and slow things down to make sure we appreciate the journey through childhood to the land of the adult.

I confess that I probably won’t stop my celebrations and commemorations once my children reach adulthood–it is the little celebrations and acknowledgements that help keep our focus on the wonder and amazement as we march through life.

Also: Every Day Milestones

Physical Accomplishments–When Did You Learn to Do That?