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Finger Play Fun

The other day I was playing with a friend’s preschooler. He started doing a finger play about bees that I used to play with my children. Sadly, our days of finger plays are long past. But I remember using them to occupy toddlers and preschoolers at restaurants, doctor offices, and while riding in the car on trips. Since then I’ve learned that games like these actually help children with auditory skills, rhyming skills, and story prediction. All of which will help them learn how to read when they are older. Who would have known? I thought I was just having fun with my babies and keeping them busy and happy!

Here’s a few of our old favorites:

Here are Grandma’s glasses, (make glasses with your fingers)
Here is Grandma’s hat, (place hands on head like a hat)
This is the way she fold her hands (fold hands)
And puts them in her lap. (place hands in lap)

Here are Grandpa’s glasses, (make bigger glasses with your fingers)
Here is Grandpa’s hat, (make bigger hat with your hands)
This is way he folds his arms, (cross arms on chest)
And takes a little nap. (pretend to fall asleep – guaranteed to make a toddler giggle)

* * * * *

Here is the church, (lace fingers together so the are inside your palms and close hands)
Here is the steeple, (point index finger up)
Open the doors, (unfold your hands)
And see all the people. (wiggle your fingers around)

* * * * *

Here’s a little beehive, (hold fist in the air)
But where are all the bees,
Hidden inside where nobody sees, (point to hive with other hand)
Slowly they come creeping out (slowly unfurl fingers)
One, two, three, four, five (point one finger for each number)
Buzzzzzz…. (make the bees chase and buzz your toddler)

* * * * *

I love (child’s name)from his head to his toes (Touch child’s head and toes)
I give him a hug (give hug)
And kiss his little nose (kiss nose)

Enjoy those baby years! Check out these ideas, too:

Games to Play: 12 to 16 Months

Making Car Rides Work For Your Family