Today was the first day of school. Everyone went to bed early last night in anticipation of the early start to the day today. Jessie and I chose her clothes last night. The outfit she wanted to wear to school and the one she wanted to put in her backpack are both laid out on her bed.
When Jessie started school last January, I’d get up at 6:30, get Jessie up at 7:00, then leave for school around 7:45. School starts at 7:45 now and isn’t four miles down the road. We start our day a half-hour earlier.
I got myself ready and made Jessie dinosaur cereal before waking her up. Jessie did a great job with getting up and eating breakfast. She didn’t argue with me about brushing her hair or her teeth. We got to school with enough time to get a decent parking space and find the gym to wait to be released to class. Jessie was excited about being there and seeing her friends. We got to Jessie’s class and Jessie dived into playing immediately. Jessie kept telling me to leave. I kissed her goodbye and thanked her teacher.
For pick up, I wanted to be early. I got to the school in time to be third in the pickup line. Last year the children walked out of the school and stood behind a gate until the teacher walked the child to the car or the parent walked up. There is no fence now so the children walk to the front of the school.
I couldn’t find Jess at first because she was wearing the clothes I packed instead of what she wore. I had my pickup card and went get her. I strapped her in her car seat and we went home. She had a great day.