April is now nearly one-third past and as hard as it may seem to believe, it’s time to check up on your progress. Whether you have joined the Spring Forward to Action 30-Day Challenge or are working on the Body for Life Challenge or not – keeping tabs on your own fitness progress can help you stay on track to your goals.
Why is today a good day to check up when there are still 20+ days left in the month? Because for most of us, swimsuit weather begins in just six short weeks and summer vacations from school districts that take them are due to start only a week or two past that.
Summertime trips to visit families, beaches and other fun destinations like Disney World are rapidly approaching. So if you do a check up now and see that you are a distance from your goal or that you have slacked off for some reason:
- Work
- Commitments
- Illness
- Allergies
- Motivation
Now is the time to realize you have some options. You can rethink your plans and make new ones that will accommodate your schedule, your commitments, your work and yes, even your allergies. While six weeks may not seem like a lot of time:
You can lose 12 lbs in six weeks.
You can drop a dress size or two in six weeks.
You can feel better and healthier in six weeks.
You can build a healthy habit in six weeks.
You can do a lot in six weeks.
So take the temperature of your fitness today? How is it? How do you feel about it? Where are you going to be in six weeks?