Fitness doldrums…they are likely to hit anyone who engages in an exercise program for any length of time. They can hit you early on or not until later. But they are a common reason for people to lose motivation.
You lost your zest, your energy. It becomes boring and monotonous. You start to wonder if it’s really making any difference.
One of the common reasons for fitness doldrums to hit is because you have reached your plateau. You can only go up but you choose to remain where you are. Perhaps it’s just a matter of challenging yourself?
You walk everyday for 30 minutes. You have been doing it for a few months now. You are bored.
What’s the solution? Try extending your walking time to 45 minutes or even push an hour. Or you might skip walking and start jogging. Challenge yourself.
Another common reason for fitness doldrums is because your exercise program lacks variety. You do the same types of exercises every single day.
Crunches, pushups and Pilates. Day in and day out.
How about incorporating some Zumba? Plank exercises? What about an exercise ball? Put some spunk into your fitness routine and you won’t be as easily bored.
Sometimes fitness doldrums hit because we feel like no progress is being made. The scale says the same thing…the pants continue to remain tight. It could be you haven’t given it enough time.
You see, we are a quick-fix society. We want to spend a week working out and see obvious results.
It doesn’t work that way. It takes time to work off pounds and inches.
But it could also be that you are sabotaging your efforts by indulging in a bowl of ice cream every night. Or you eat enough to feed a family. Think about all of your lifestyle behaviors and how they might be impacting your results.
Fitness doldrums are sure to hit. But for every one, there is a solution. It’s up to you to take the time to find it.
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