Today is going to be all about circuit training. My stamina is not up for any long term 30 minute workouts that keep me doing the same thing over and over and over again. Instead, circuit training keeps you shaking it up and changing up what you’re doing. It’s also a great way to tone and burn calories at the same time. So with that in mind, let’s take a look at the workout.
It’s important to note that you should drink plenty of water before, during and after your workout. Hydration is a key to fitness success because it helps you to lose weight as well as supporting your body through your workout. Remember, one aspect of exercise is that you sweat and in some cases, you sweat a lot. So it’s important to avoid dehydration and fatigue brought on by dehydration by hydrating
Also, you may consider eating at least 1 hour before your workout (especially if your goal is to lose weight) because eating an hour prior helps you to burn more calories throughout your workout and to eat less, but more nutritiously throughout the day. Always a good thing, right?
So here is the workout that I did today:
- March in place for 2 minutes, swinging arms lightly
- Supine Bridge – Hold for 1 Minute
- Jumping Jacks – 1 minute
- 7-7-7’s
- March in place – 1 minute
- Buttock Press – 10 reps
- Jumping Jacks – 1 minute
- Bicep Curls – 11 Left/11 Right
- March in place – 1 minute
- Shoulder Raises – 10 Right/Left and 10 Left/Right
- Jumping Jacks – 1 minute
- Skull Crusher Triceps Workout – 12 Reps
- March in Place – 1 minute
- Calf Raises – 30
- March in place – 1 minute
- Rest and then stretch for a cool down
Over all this is a fun workout, you don’t spend any great amount of time on any one exercise. It was also a good workout for me considering how I am feeling with all my dental issues lately.
Don’t forget to check out Valorie’s latest Mission Possible.