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Fitness Journal – Your Mood – Part 5

Continuing on with my series on creating a fitness journal, we are now going to look at the importance of tracking your mood and improving it. If you are keeping a fitness journal, you should have a section where you note how you are feeling.

Your mood can change the course of your day. But there are ways to improve it. However before we get to that, let’s think about why we would want to keep track of it.

Understanding your overall health includes how you feel on a daily basis. Are there certain days of the week where your mood isn’t good? Are there certain times of the day? Are there certain activities or things that happen which create negative moods?

Gaining a better understanding of yourself is a great way to learn what you can do to change it. For instance, let’s say that you tend to get in a mood around 3:00 p.m. where you feel down. You might feel depleted of physical and mental energy. By learning this about yourself, you can come up with a way to combat it.

Try taking a 20 or 30 minute walk at 3:00. See if that makes a difference in your mood. By keeping track of mood patterns, you can come up with fit ways to change those.

Exercise is a great mood buster. It can relieve you of stress, anxiety and depression. It can make you feel better about yourself in general and that always puts people in a better mood.

Besides keeping track of your mood, hopefully what you will learn about yourself is that in general you will be a much happier person if you are exercising, eating right and getting enough sleep. It is really like a circle where everything comes back together. Each component is important to your overall health.

In my next blog we will wrap up this fitness journal series by talking about lifestyle behaviors that can impact your health.

Related Articles:

Creating a Fitness Journal – Part 1

Fitness Journal – Your Meals – Part 2

Fitness Journal – Exercise – Part 3

Fitness Journal – Sleep – Part 4

Photo by skaletto in stock.xchng

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About Stephanie Romero

Stephanie Romero is a professional blogger for Families and full-time web content writer. She is the author and instructor of an online course, "Recovery from Abuse," which is currently being used in a prison as part of a character-based program. She has been married to her husband Dan for 21 years and is the mother of two teenage children who live at home and one who is serving in the Air Force.