Myth – You have to exercise for 30 consecutive minutes for it to be successful.
Fact – If you work out in three 10 minute sessions per day, you will burn as many calories and you will receive as many of the same benefits as if you did the 30 minute session.
Myth – Weight lifting is only for those who want to be overmuscled Atlas jocks.
Fact – The only way to overdevelop your muscles in that fashion is to literally spends hours every day in the gym power lifting.
Myth – Exercise builds muscle. When you stop exercising, your muscles will just turn to fat.
Fact – Muscles can’t turn into fat. Muscles will shrink if you stop using them and you may gain weight – but you can’t turn one into the other.
Myth – Concentrated abdominal exercises will turn your love handles into a six pack.
Fact – There is no way to selectively trim one area of the body. It takes overall exercise to trim body fat in all areas.
Myth Exercise in pregnancy can lead to birth defects or miscarriage.
Fact If you exercised before pregnancy, you can continue with moderation and you should always consult your physician before beginning a fitness plan. Even if you didn’t exercise before you got pregnant, pre-natal exercise can be very healthy for you and your baby. It’s also a great way to help you return to your pre-pregnancy weight.
What Fitness myths have you heard lately?
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