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Fitness Week in Review: November 11-17, 2008

We are 10 days away from the holiday gluttons most adore—-Thanksgiving. If you plan to pig out on Turkey Day, you might consider perusing the following FITNESS blogs. Whether you choose to burn off holiday calories by taking an extra long run or you want to learn how to curb your addiction to chocolate we’ve got you covered:

November 11th—–Running: It’s All About the Shoes. Before you set out to shed pounds via running it is imperative that you purchase the right shoes. This blog provides helpful tips on what you should look for in proper-fitting running shoe.

November 12th—–Running: It’s All About the Shoes—Part 2. Part two of “Running: It’s All About the Shoes” provides tips on what you should do with a pair of shoes prior to and after you purchase them. Running shoes don’t come cheap, so it’s vital that you get the right fit the first time around.

November 13th—–Runners vs. Drivers—Sharing the Road with Lunatics on Four Wheels. Now that you have the right running shoes it’s time to break them in. But, before you do consider your running route. Road rage between runners and motorists has hit an all time high. This blog lists some things you don’t want to do when running in traffic.

November 14th—–How Exercise Can Help Chocoholics. According to British researchers, chocoholics can reduce their cravings by taking a simple 15-minute stroll. Sounds simple, right? Judge for yourself in this blog.

November 15th—–Say So Long to Old School Stretches. If you were taught that holding stretches for at least 20 seconds was essential to a proper warm-up, then you will be shocked by the results of a new study recently conducted in Las Vegas. Find out why old school stretching could hurt you more than help you.

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About Michele Cheplic

Michele Cheplic was born and raised in Hilo, Hawaii, but now lives in Wisconsin. Michele graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a degree in Journalism. She spent the next ten years as a television anchor and reporter at various stations throughout the country (from the CBS affiliate in Honolulu to the NBC affiliate in Green Bay). She has won numerous honors including an Emmy Award and multiple Edward R. Murrow awards honoring outstanding achievements in broadcast journalism. In addition, she has received awards from the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association for her reports on air travel and the Wisconsin Education Association Council for her stories on education. Michele has since left television to concentrate on being a mom and freelance writer.