I love working out at home and I love picking up new workout DVDs that help me achieve my goals. The following are some of my favorites:
The majority of these DVDs and Videos are from GAIAM.
A.M. Stretch – A.M. Stretch is designed to help you awaken your mind and energize your body. It involves a 25-minute workout with active and passive stretches that lengthen muscles and increase flexibility. The A.M. program takes into account the fact that you’ve just gotten out of bed and works on warming up your body and bringing you into a strong sense of balance and rhythm to get your day started. This tape is a great way to begin the day.
P.M. Stretch – The P.M. Stretch tape is a companion to the A.M. Stretch and is another 25-minute workout that improves balance, posture and uses dynamic and static stretches to lengthen muscles and increase the range of motion. It’s a stretch program that soothes the tired mind at the end of the day. This few minutes spent in the evening can help you unwind and relieve the accumulated tension of the day.
A.M. Yoga / P.M. Yoga – These dual programs are 20-minutes of yoga designed to awaken the mind and energize the body. The morning Yoga workout includes conscious relaxation, a 12 to 14 minute yoga workout followed by a 2 minute guided meditation. The evening program concentrates on centering poses to quiet the overtired mind; stretch and sooth the body as well as another guided meditation to revitalize the mind in the evening.
Yoga Journal’s YOGA Introduction – This tape is 70 minutes in length and is absolutely ideal for someone who is just discovering Yoga for the first time. Patricia Walden is an internationally renowned yoga instructor. She teaches basic movements and provides information on the lasting benefits of Yoga practice. The tape includes quieting the mind, gentle warm ups, exercises that increase vitality and flexibility, tension release through focused breathing and a complete relaxation practice.
These videos and DVDs are available at a fairly low cost from various vendors including the GAIAM website, Barnes and Noble bookstores and Amazon.com. If you enjoy working out at home, these are great additions to your personal library.