I did a layout the other day where I fit, count them, SEVEN, photos on one 12 x 12 page layout. I was so proud. Not just because I fit so many pictures, but because I did it in a way where it didn’t look cluttered, and I still stayed within my style. I even had some negative space going on in the layout. It was so fun! Here’s how I did it.
The pictures were of my daughter at her first swim lessons. I didn’t want to do a million pages of one event, so I thought, how can I optimize my space? I decided to crop my photos with a good old trusty set of scissors. I cropped them as small as I could without losing the important aspect of the pictures. Most of them ended up roughly the same size except for one which I left big because it was a close up shot of my daughter. I definitely did not want to crop out any more of that cute face!
So, then, I started by playing around with how I could fit so many on a page. And, one problem I had was that I wanted to matte all of them because I was using a patterned paper as the background, so I wanted a solid colored matte. I chose to make the matte very small around each photo. I decided the large close up would be my focal picture. I placed it to the side. Then, I took the remaining six pictures and overlapped them running them from top to bottom on the right side of the page. I love the way it turned out. Here’s the finished layout:
I think the key to fitting lots of pictures on a page is to think outside the box. Play around with how you can lay them out, crop them, and find a way to do it that still maintains your scrapbook style. Many people tend to think you cannot have cute pages with so many pictures on a page, but I beg to differ! It’s a challenge that I love to conquer. How many pictures do you fit on a page?
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