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Following the To-Do List

Every night I write a “to-do” list. I am often surprised at how my “to-do” list looks strangely similar from one night to the next. You may think that is due to routine when in fact it is due to not following the “to-do” list from the previous night. My “to-do” lists tend to become rollover lists from what I intended on doing that day but got sidetracked. I would feel defeated as I began a new list and the same twenty things were on there. I thought I was nothing but an unorganized, immature, woman pretending to play businesswoman. Until one day I got a piece of advice about how to plan my day. That piece of advice was to never put more than 6 things on my to-list.

You may be scoffing at the idea of cutting down your “to-do” list to only 6 things. You may think it impossible to feel accomplished if 6 things were all you were able to get done in a day. It sounds so simple. Too simple. However, it was what I needed to turn my “to-do” list into a “ta-done” list.

Oddly, I did not feel limited by only cutting down my list to 6 things. The first few lists were hard but once I buckled down and prioritized my day I felt a sense of freedom. By the end of the day if I crossed off those six things I felt accomplished. I knew I completed the six most important things I could do that day. Sure, some days it seemed impossible to cut down my list. However, prioritizing to 6 main things not only gave me a sense of freedom, it helped me focus on important tasks without distraction. The feeling that you have to rush to get to the next item on your list is exhausting. It leads you to giving a task only part of your attention and your tasks suffer.

I challenge you prioritize your day into 6 main items. You may find you waste less time and get far less distracted. You may even find that the 6 things you get accomplished have your full attention and as a result are some of your best work.

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About Richele McFarlin

Richele is a Christian homeschooling mom to four children, writer and business owner. Her collegiate background is in educational psychology. Although it never prepared her for playing Candyland, grading science, chasing a toddler, doing laundry and making dinner at the same time.