If you have visited my main website, Passion to Success, you know that I feel there is one element that has to be present in order to be successful. You guessed it, passion! If you want to make it work, you need to want to work.
In many ways, it is like following your dream. What is your dream job? I have a few of them. One is to work at Disney. Come on, who wouldn’t want to work there? Even one of our bloggers, Tracy Woods, had the opportunity to spend time working at the Mouse.
Really though, my dreams involving helping others, writing and being up front. I love attention and really get a high from being on stage, especially when I actually say something coherent!
I want you to think about your dreams and how you can make them work for you. For me, I’m fulfilling my dreams on smaller scale.
Being a mom is most important to me right now. So that is my main dream, to watch my kids grow up and be a strong part of their lives.
My “hidden” dream was to be an actress. That is probably why I love being in front of people. However, the realistic part of my never went for it. Now that I have a family, that dream is pretty much for the stars. So instead, my dream has transformed into a new dream. That is to one day be a motivational speaker and author.
Blogging for familes.com is fulfilling some aspects of my dreams. In fact, everything I do falls into my passion some way or another.
My children are my main passion and I love to play. Selling toys makes cents! Ok, bad pun.
With Power Pops I get to help others, as I do with Passion to Success. Even tutoring falls into my passion for helping others and “teaching.”
So, when looking at anything you plan to do, be it a business or a job, look first at your dream. Are you doing something you love? If so, it’s time to go back to the job board.