My son has recently started eating food. Well, This isn’t exactly true. For some reason this Dad kind of thought that one day they just started putting cereal into their mouths through some sort of magical “growing up” process that occurred on one specific day. One day my son is just nursing; the next day he is eating steaks. I’m joking (a little) but I really thought my son would be eating all sorts of baby foods and other items one we put the first taste of avocado into his mouth. I was quite wrong.
The introduction of solid foods is actually a process. My wife, or course, already understood this (she’s really smart). While I’m cheering for my son as he places the first bit of anything on his tongue my wife silently knows that this takes time. She’s quietly and slowly introduced him to solids in a slow and steady way. This is in part based on his interest in the food his parents eat (in general) was well as the need to establish a pattern and time for him to eat solids rather than nurse.
My wife picked up a bag of organic brown rice one day in the supermarket. I thought we’d be eating some sort of interesting dish in the next week. Instead, my son was the recipient of “homemade” baby food. About two weeks later my wife purchased an organic acorn squash at a local health foods store which she again turned into a tasty treat for our son. I’m not sure what she’s planning next for our little man to eat, but I’ve finally figured out that he won’t be eating steaks anytime soon. When he does finally put a steak in his mouth though, his Dad will be there to cheer him on.