Are you discouraged about your food storage? It can be frustrating to think of buying, organizing and storing all of that food. Honestly the sheer volume of food that it takes to make up a years supply can be staggering. It is important to not become discouraged in the process. In his talk “Lay Up in Store” Bishop Keith B McMullin said,
Wives are instrumental in this work, but they need husbands who lead out in family preparedness. Children need parents who instill in them this righteous tradition. They will then do likewise with their children, and their stores will not fail. . .
Encourage our members to regularly put into their home storage a few wholesome, basic food items and some water that is safe to drink. They should save some money, if only a few coins each week. This modest approach will soon enable them to have several months’ reserve. Over time they can expand these modest efforts into a longer-term supply by adding such essentials as grains, legumes, and other staples that will keep them alive in case they do not have anything else to eat.
As we do our very best, we can be confident that “the barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail.”18 We shall enjoy greater wisdom, security, peace of mind, and personal well-being. We shall be prepared, and because we are prepared, we “shall not fear.”
This quote is especially comforting, because it encourages to begin in the way that we can and then to move forward. Eventually we each will be able to purchase food storage. It is not something that most people are capable of purchasing all at once, but if you do it gradually over time you will be surprised at the amount of food you can accumulate.
Additionally it is important to realize that if we have faithfully done our best, we will still be able to help our families. Everyone’s circumstances are different, but a sincere effort will bring blessings. The key question to ask yourself is if you are making a sincere effort in purchasing your food storage. You may find that you can trim a few unnecessary expenses for a short time to help you increase your food storage.
These short term sacrifices can also be used to help you get out of debt. You should also be focused on following the counsel of getting out of debt. This will help you to survive an economy that is experiencing a slump, a job loss or other disaster that your family may face.
With the recent increase in the occurance of natural disasters around the world, you should also consider the ways that you can prepare and protect your family in these types of emergencies. When considering this, also consider things you can do to help your neighbors. If you have room, store extra water and food that you can give to those around you, so that you can help them as well.
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