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For the Strength of Youth Series: Sexual Purity

Intimacy between a husband and wife is a beautiful thing. It can bind you together in a way that strengthens you both and solidifies your relationship. It is both an expression of love and the means for the creation of children—both of which are amazing blessings. But intimacy outside of marriage is damaging to both relationships and to individuals emotionally and mentally which is why Latter-day saints place such an emphasis on staying sexually pure.

The For the Strength of Youth pamphlet outlines some of the guidelines for Latter-day Saints of all ages. Being sexually pure is required for entering the temple and making further covenants with our Heavenly Father. It’s also important in keeping our spirits pure and able to listen to the directions the Lord sends to us. Sexual purity can be a difficult topic to discuss, but the pamphlet is straightforward and blunt so that there’s no confusion.

Latter-day saints believe in having no sexual relations before marriage and complete fidelity after marriage. This idea is becoming more and more foreign as our society has become more accepting of pervasive sexuality (turn on the TV and you’ll see what I mean). But staying pure is an amazing gift that brings peace and happiness into a marriage.

Sexual purity includes watching to make sure you aren’t arousing sexual desires in others or yourself outside of a marital relationship. This includes staying away from pornography which is horribly damaging to relationships and sexual purity. As you go through (or you remember) your teenage years, you’ll remember how difficult this may be, but it’s imperative to staying clean.

Sexual sins are serious because they “defile the power God has given us to create life.” Our Heavenly Father gave us bodies to feel and experience life, but also to learn how to control the natural man. When we say sexually pure, we’re learning to control our desires.

One of the more important thing outlined in the pamphlet is that repentance is available if you have committed sexual sin.

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About Lisa Mabey

Lisa Mabey is a writer/project manager for a stamping and scrapbooking company in Utah. She has enjoyed writing articles for the monthly in-house magazines. Lisa loves experimenting with photography, paper crafting, and spending time with family. She and her husband are currently expecting their first child.