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Forgive and Let it Go

Forgive and forget is a tough concept to master for most people. While many people can forgive fewer people are as easy to forget. Many people hold incidents in their minds and bring them up into conversation years after they occur.

While forgetting is not necessary in a relationship, being able to let things go is important for couples.

There is no doubt that sometime in your relationship your spouse will do something that makes you angry, upset, or annoyed. Even the best and closest of couple have arguments. It is all part of human nature.

How the couple handles these arguments is what makes the difference between a successful marriage and an unsuccessful one.

Successful marriages move forward. They do not get stuck in the past. Once an argument has been settled and the apologies have been made, then it is over. It should not be brought up or used to hold over your spouse’s head.

If your spouse does something that you do not think that you will ever be able to overcome and move one from then the two of you need to discuss talking with a counselor or someone who can offer advice on the issue.

Never give in and say that everything is okay when you still have hard or hurt feelings. Covering up your feelings and hiding them inside will only make things worst. The trouble will grow inside of you and you will eventually unintentionally act out against your mate.

It is best to keep your feelings out in the open and let your spouse know that you are struggling with forgiving or getting over the action that was so hurtful. However, if your spouse is sincere and offers a true heart warming apology, you owe to him or her to try to accept.

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