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Forming a Play Group

1. Advertise: You will want to make a simple flyer and perhaps pass it out at libraries and day care centers. Think of where moms go and put a few in those locations if vendors and owners of businesses allow it. You can also advertise in Craigslist or a local church. Start asking friends to get a core group if you can.

2. Desired Age: Decide what age group you want to target. Do you want to include toddlers or just preschoolers and their siblings?

3. Number of Participants: You do not want your playgroup to get too large of it will become impersonal and chaotic. A good number is 8 to 10 moms. However, a small group of 4 to 5 is nice and intimate as well. If you get a large response then start to branch off into a second group once you hit 12 members. You can split into 6 and 6 or 8 and a mini group of 3 that will still accept new people. You can decide who is in what group based on want or location. Perhaps if you have two group you can get together once very few months as one large group.

4. What Type of Group: Do you want a group where the children are playing and the moms interact separately? Perhaps you want a group with more structured events and field trips? Decide what works best for your needs, finances, and age group. Keep in mind that you can always plan trips once a month or every two months and keep the rest of the meetings relaxed.

5. Location: Decide where you want to meet. You can rotate homes, meet at a church or a library or even a park during nice weather.

6. Time and Day: Choose a time and day that is suitable to you then feel out the other parents. Do not fall into the trap of trying to accommodate everyone. That will not happen and will only cause stress. Instead, come up with 2 to 3 days and times and vote on it or come up with on day and time and advertise for that.