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Foster Placement Christmas

Halloween is on Sunday. I don’t have a traditional costume for Baby E. I have the most adorable black long-sleeved onesie with an orange pumpkin on the front and an orange tutu attached for her to wear. A friend offered a vegetable costume, but I opted to pass. It’s been so warm that I can’t put Baby E in the Halloween outfit that Grandma sent for her. I can’t see letting her sweat out the night in a big costume and the stroller. She’s only three months old and isn’t going to know what’s going on anyway.

My husband and I went to Kohl’s with the girls the other night to do some shopping. I felt like I was in a Peanuts special. Halloween’s not over. We haven’t gotten dressed up. We haven’t gone trick-or-treating. There are pumpkins all over the house. Kohl’s is ready for Christmas. The Kohl’s gift department is decorated with Christmas trees and ornaments. I’m not ready for Christmas. I would like to get through Jessie’s birthday first.

Out of our eight placements, three have come from the county where we live. While much of what happens in our district is the same, the counties still have variations. Christmas is one of the things that is done differently. Our experience has been that the child’s caseworker will come to the house before Christmas with some vaguely age-appropriate gifts. This time Baby E will get Christmas via Angel Tree. I have to email a list of things she would like from Santa to her new caseworker this week.

What does Baby E want? She’s three months now and will be five months by Christmas. Should she ask Santa for things to play with right then or things she’ll want to play with in a few months too? What’s the hot baby toy this year?