Do you need cash in a hurry? Getting extra money might be closer than you think. Here are four things that can be quickly and easily turned into cash.
Baby Clothes
Baby clothes are a hot commodity at outgrown sales or on the Internet. You can turn those outgrown clothes into cash. Don’t have any baby clothes at home? Shop cheaply at your local thrift store and then make a profit selling them online. What to look for: name brand and higher end items in excellent condition.
Gift Cards
Scour your drawers, car, purse, etc. for unused gift cards. There are plenty of websites out there that will buy your gift cards from you, or you can sell them on your own using sites such as Craigslist and eBay. While you won’t get full price for the card, you can get get close, up to 75 percent on average, more depending on the card. Some cards can do for as much as 90 percent of the face value.
Do you have plenty of books cluttering your shelves and your nightstands? Turn them into cash by selling them at places such as Amazon, Half Price Books or your local used bookstore. Rare or signed books could fetch a pretty penny, but best sellers will do well, also. Sign up for a library card, so you can still read your favorites while you turn your books into cash.
Do you have any favorite toys you held on to. Collectibles from the 70s and 80s are very big right now as the Baby Boomers and Generation X start getting nostalgic for items that they had when they were younger.
High end clothing from designer names is considered vintage and can also fetch quite a bit of money when you sell them on auction sites, such as eBay.
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