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Free and Low Cost Counseling and Support

Isn’t it ironic that when you most need counseling you usually don’t have the extra means to pay for it? You might need to seek out some advice about your finances, getting a new job or even on your marriage. Whatever the case, paying $50 to $400 an hour may not be the best thing to help you.

If you find yourself in need of counseling or other similar support, it may be best to first start to look around for free and low cost options. Some of these options require you to meet certain financial or residential guidelines (you must live within a certain area or belong to a certain community), while others are open to you no matter who you are or what your financial situation happens to be.

Here are some resources that may have free or low cost counseling available.


Churches can be great resources for support. Of course, you can expect counseling from your priest or pastors, but there may also be other support available. At our church, for example, there is a licensed therapist who offers his services for free to church members.


Many companies offer various forms of support when you are an employee. They may have a directory of approved counsellors, they may offer a free service to find help with home improvement projects, and they may have specialized small support groups. In addition, you human resources department should be able to help you get additional job training, as well as let you know about additional opportunities within the company.


There are a lot of community resources out there. From free job fairs, to volunteer organizations, to home grown support groups, there is probably a resource in your community that you can tap right into, no matter what your need. Your local chamber of commerce can help with business needs, your town hall may have a list of local groups you can join, and there are community newspapers and websites that advertise free and low cost services.

You can read more blog posts by Mary Ann Romans here!

Related Articles:

How to Have Fun for Free

How to Find Motivation to Remove Clutter

How to Get Free Stuff

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About Mary Ann Romans

Mary Ann Romans is a freelance writer, online content manager, wife and mother of three children. She lives in Pennsylvania in the middle of the woods but close enough to Target and Home Depot. The author of many magazine, newspaper and online articles, Mary Ann enjoys writing about almost any subject. "Writing gives me the opportunity to both learn interesting information, and to interact with wonderful people." Mary Ann has written more than 5,000 blogs for Families.com since she started back in December 2006. Contact her at maromans AT verizon.net or visit her personal blog http://homeinawoods.wordpress.com