It is truly amazing the amount of useful information that is out there, and available, for parents of children who have special needs. If you have a smartphone, then you carry a lot of that information with you, wherever you go. There are many helpful apps that you can download for free.
Doctor Where is a FREE app that is designed to be used on Android devices. The app lets you find doctors based on your current location. You can have it search for specialists, or for doctors who work with your health insurance.
Children’s Medical Center App is a FREE app that can be used on iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. This app helps you to stay in touch with ongoing events that are taking place at the Children’s Medical Center in Dallas, Texas.
Consumer Reports Hospital Ratings is a FREE app that is designed for both iPhone and iPad. This app gives you access to the rating that Consumer Reports has given to many hospitals, located across the United States.
It gives you information about patient experience and patient outcomes. You can search for hospitals that are nearest you. This app has guides to help you learn how to choose a hospital. It also has a “hospital survival guide”.
Children’s Hospital of Michigan Child Medical Guide is a FREE app that is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. This is a guide that can give you some basic medical information. You can use the app to contact a nurse at their hospital, or to find out how long the wait time currently is in their emergency room.
MyChart is a FREE app can be used on iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. This app lets you view your own, (or your child’s), lab results, appointment information, current medications, and immunization history.
You can use the app to stay in touch with your child’s physician, and to manage doctor appointments. To use this app, you have to create an account with it through your health care provider.
ADA: Medical Access is a FREE app that can be used on Android devices. This app contains the Americans with Disabilities Act guide: “Access to Medical Care for Individuals with Mobility Disabilities”.
You can use this app to point out the laws requiring schools, stores, doctor’s offices, hospitals, and other places to make public spaces accessible for people who use wheelchairs, scooters, walkers, crutches, or who don’t use a mobility device.
Image by Toby Deshane on Flickr