Using reusable shopping bags make sense (and cents). Here is how you can get some without paying the $5 to $10 price tags typical of most reusable bags.
First of all, why should you bother with reusable bags from a FRUGAL standpoint (we know that it is a good eco-friendly practice). Does it save money. Yes, of course. Most stores offer some sort of incentive to you when you bring your own bags. From cents off of your bill to contest entries to free gifts, reusable bags can bring you some material rewards. Aldi’s, an inexpensive grocery store will actually charge you for plastic bags.
There are a few ways to get some free reusable bags.
Sign up for offers
There are a lot of free tote bag offers out there that will send you a tote bag when you sign up online. See the Deals Blog, or do a Google search for “Free Tote Bag” to find these offers.
Make your own
A great reusable tote bag that folds up to next to nothing in your purse or pocket can be made from old t-shirts or sleeveless tops. Simply sew the bottom of the shirt closed to make the bag. You can use old clothing that you already own or buy some cheaply at the thrift store. A sewing machine will make quick work of several bags, but you could also sew one by hand while watching television.
A benefit to making your own bag is that you can have a unique designer look instead of the typical store logo.
Not free but worth it
Okay, this next idea isn’t quite free, but I am suggesting it anyway. If you do want to purchase a bag, invest in one that is insulated. Not only will this type of bag allow you to combine errands when you have to go to the grocery store, but it will allow you to cart lunch with you, saving money on eating out.
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