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Freedom of Speech

If you haven’t heard about the Chick-fil-a controversy, you’ve probably been living under a rock.

Chick-fil-a is a Christian based company that supports the biblical definition of marriage as only between a man and a woman. More importantly than what they believe or what I believe is, what are our children hearing? What do they believe?

As a single mother I’ve had a fair amount of control over what Hailey is exposed to. I censor TV, movies, books, social media, to protect her.

I’m not trying to protect her from differing opinions or lifestyles, once she leaves my home she will be exposed to those, regardless of my personal beliefs. I’m trying to protect my daughter from hate. When did we become a society that uses hate to express what we believe in?

When I was married my ex husband had very strong opinions. He used to say he wasn’t prejudice, he hated everyone, and that was true. Black, Hispanic, Asian, overweight or gay, he hated them all. My daughter grew up hearing every derogatory term you can imagine. I wanted something better for her.

I have strived to teach my daughter love. That love does not just extend to the people who are just like you, but to those who are different as well. Once I was a single parent, our home was open to everyone.

I learned from a young age that people are just people. Hate does not make someone see your side of the argument. Instead it has the opposite effect, it pushes them away.

I support Chick-fil-a’s right to endorse biblical beliefs. I support gay couples who just want to be left alone to live their lives. Most of all I want my daughter to know that you can disagree with someone and not tear them down. Expressing your beliefs doesn’t ever have to involve hate. Whether or not I support what Chick-fil-a supports, I do support freedom of speech. I will eat there to show my daughter we have the right to our beliefs and as American’s we have the right to express those beliefs.

Have a chicken sandwich. This really isn’t about gay or straight, it’s about freedom of speech. As a single mother I want my daughter to be strong and stand up for others. I want her to know that she has the right to disagree, with me, the government, or any organization, but she needs to do it respectfully.