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Freeing Myself

The refrigerator is stocked and yes, it contains a ham. But this year I’m not making the ham until New Year’s. I have decided to drastically change things up.

What you will find stocked in my refrigerator and cabinets are taco fixin’s. This Christmas we are going the non-traditional route and having a huge taco bar. My husband is going to make his delicious Spanish rice and I will also be making homemade pico de gallo and a tres leches cake (a white cake made with 3 different kinds of milk—my version is 2% milk, whipped cream and coconut cream).

I am almost tempted to replace the Christmas decorations with a Spanish theme. That would really surprise people.

Not everyone who is coming to our home for Christmas is aware of the menu. For some it will be a surprise. I started to agonize over this at first. But then I thought, “Hey, it’s my house and I’m the one doing most of the cooking so I can do what I want!”

I don’t say that to be snotty but I say that to give myself permission to be free…free from the usual, free from expectations. In fact, I am even freeing myself to not spend all of Saturday deep cleaning my house in preparation.

People aren’t coming to my home to see if there are any cobwebs in the corner of my ceiling. They aren’t coming to check for dust. They aren’t coming to see how clean my floors are.

Christmas is about spending time together as a family and for us, remembering the gift of a baby, born in a manger. It is about creating memories; fun moments to be treasured for a lifetime. Laughter, joy, sharing…housekeeping will just have to wait.

I plan on truly enjoying this Christmas and not getting so wrapped up in the things that really don’t make a difference.

Related Articles:

Making This a Stress-Less Christmas

Waiting to Take the Christmas Decorations Down

Is Your Home Guest Ready?

Preventing Injuries as You Prepare Your House for the Holidays

Do You Play the Martyr?

Photo by reuben4eva in stock.xchng

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About Stephanie Romero

Stephanie Romero is a professional blogger for Families and full-time web content writer. She is the author and instructor of an online course, "Recovery from Abuse," which is currently being used in a prison as part of a character-based program. She has been married to her husband Dan for 21 years and is the mother of two teenage children who live at home and one who is serving in the Air Force.