Did your baby girl have hair when she was born? If so, consider yourself lucky. My son had a head full of adorable black hair when he was born. But my daughter—bald as can be. It figured. I was nearly bald until the age of two, so why shouldn’t my daughter be?
I’ll tell you why—because I wanted her to wear pigtails! Before she was born, I loved looking at the adorable bows, ponytail holders, and barrettes in the stores. I even bought a few, anticipating the day she would wear them. I picked out a pink one for her first portrait. But she was two before I could put anything in her hair. Until then, I had to brave the comments from unsuspecting strangers. “Oh, what a sweet little boy.” “How old is your son?” AUGH! The bad part was, the comments even came when she was dressed in pink! Go figure.
Finally, the day arrived when I put pigtails in my daughter’s hair for the first time. It was a proud moment for me, for the entire 15 seconds that she kept them in. Then she pulled them out, just as we left the house, and spent the rest of the afternoon with wild hair that made her look a little like the child of Frankenstein.
Since then my daughter has learned to love her ponytails. She still doesn’t have a lot of hair, but what she does have is proudly displayed sticking high above her head. That is, of course, until she rips them out, declaring independent victory.
I’m a proud mama, pigtails or no pigtails. And when we manage to keep the pigtails in through an outing or a visit to Daddy’s office, all the better. J