Do you want to know the secret to winning an argument every time? The secret is to always be right. So how can you always be right? Come a little a closer and I’ll explain it to you.
Master The Blame Game
All you have to do to win every marital dispute – frankly any dispute – is to become a master of the blame game. What is the blame game you ask? The rules are pretty simple and they just take a bit of practice. So if you want to know what the rules are, here you go:
- Whenever a problem occurs, insulate your self-worth by quickly shifting the blame to someone or something else
- When someone demands accountability, attack them so that you do not lose power of face in the relationship
- Everyone is a threat to your well-being, thus everything that goes wrong be attributed to someone else – never forget that
- Solutions are secondary, your first rule of thumb is to find another to blame – worry about a solution later
- If we’re always right, we are never to blame and we never make mistakes, thus we get a lot more points
- If you’re playing team on team, protect your team mates as long as you can blame everything else on the other team
Pretty Simple Right?
The rules are pretty simple and you just have to use a few key phrases in your strategy. You just need to remind people it’s you against them that you care more about them and that problems are really beyond your control.
If it’s never your fault, then you never have to take responsibility. As long as you blame someone or something else, you are empowering yourself. Can you imagine how successful you would be in life and marriage if you can master the blame game?
*The above is for humorous purposes only.
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