I began making this friendship album at the start of 2005 and never actually finished it. For some reason I got frustrated with it. I decided to try to figure out what went wrong. Here we are a year later and I have been freshly inspired to finish it. I thought I’d share my ideas and changes as I go, with all of you. Hopefully this will inspire you to create an album of your own.
When I originally started this album, I decided I wanted it to commemorate the friends I had made in my life. These are the friends that I am pretty much still friends with today, even if we are miles apart. They had to meet certain requirements to be put into the album.
We had to be friends for at LEAST 3-4 years, we had to be active with each other outside of wherever we met, (i.e. School or Work), and they had to have made a major impact on my life.
I got to work and began by making a list of the friends I knew I wanted to include. I decided I wanted to do my book in two sections – childhood friends and adulthood friends. I made my list for both.
I only ran into one small problem. When I was still in high school my father was sick with Cancer and spent a great deal of time hospitalized. There was one nurse in particular who made it her duty to not only go above and beyond to care for my father, but also to care for his family. My family. She befriended all of us and was extremely important to me. However, our “real” friendship developed later in life when I became an adult and we are still friends today. In fact, I had her son in my preschool summer camp a few years back and if I was still there, I’m certain I’d have her other son by now. Because our friendship started when I was in childhood, but really developed into my adulthood I decided that I would place her under my adulthood friends, and explain the story. Problem solved.
The only other small problem I ran into was if I should include my mothers. Yes, I said mothers. I am a product of adoption and now have both women actively in my life. They are both two of my very closest friends, and so I decided that I would include them and put my adoptive mother in the childhood section and my biological mother in the adulthood section. I also decided to include my sister as well. Again, an easy problem to solve. The album I chose was expandable so I knew that I could add later friends as time goes on.
Please read the next installment, Friendship Theme: My Personal Album – Day Two by continuing to visit my families.com blog each day. I will be adding an entry a day about this album, until it is complete.
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Friendship Theme: My Personal Album Day 1
Friendship Theme: My Personal Album Day 2
Friendship Theme: My Personal Album Day 3
Friendship Theme: My Personal Album Day 4
Friendship Theme: My Personal Album Day 5
Friendship Theme: My Personal Album Day 6
Friendship Theme: My Personal Album Day 7
Friendship Theme – My Personal Album Day Eight Quotes and Poems