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Frugal and Free Homeschooling {part 3}

In part 1, I discussed how I have felt the crushing burden of finances on my homeschool.  In part 2, you were given a few simple assignments to get started on your way to frugal and free homeschooling.  To review, you were asked to revisit the reasons you homeschooled.  That will revive your heart and put wheels to your feet on finding a solution.  Then, you were to check the inventory you currently have for school.  Perhaps there are unfinished assignments or textbooks or even reviews you can use.  Finally, you were to write down all you need for a successful homeschool year.

Do you have your assignments completed?  I hope so because now you will need the list you made for needs.  You won’t know your needs until you go over your current inventory.  You may be able to squeeze a month out of unfinished assignments and review.  Not only is this frugal but it will reinforce the lessons from the previous year which is important.

Now, let me share with you some ideas and the nooks and crannies on the internet to help you find ways to homeschool frugally. Ah yes, this is the buffer for the floor you have been wearing out pacing back and forth on.

  • YouTube:  A fantastic place for tutorials.
  • Khan Academy:  A completely free site and app on your tablet that contains videos teaching math concepts, science concepts and more.  I highly recommend using this resource for reinforcement or for teaching concepts you are uneasy about teaching
  • Ebay:  If  you have a budgeted amount of funds to spend on supplies, then try Ebay or Craigslist for the items you need.  I have purchased from Ebay many times.  Just purchase from high rated sellers and those with stores for the best experience.
  • Library Programs:  Most library programs are free or provided at a low cost.  Your children will gain social experiences and can be involved in classes or events through  your library.
  • Library:  You would be surprised how many textbooks you can find at the your library.  It is often and overlooked resource, but honestly, always check there first.  As long as you return the items in on time, it can  have you hundreds of dollars.
  • Free Online Library:  If you do not have a library close to you, don’t worry.  Many classics are free online.  If  you own a Kindle, you will find 100s of free materials.
  • Curriculum Swaps:  No one wants to spend more money then they need to.  Perhaps you can organize a curriculum swap through a co-op or even your library.
Next segment will contain more resources.  Right now, check these resources out and mark off on your list what you have found and what you still need.