Back to school time is rapidly approaching and for many, it is already here. Not only can this time be extremely stressful, but it can put a huge damper in your family budget. Supplies, clothing and other items needed for school are expensive and can add up, even when you think you are shopping at sales or getting a good deal with a coupon.
Here are some great articles that will help with your back to school needs.
Frugal Places to Shop For School Supplies
As I mentioned yesterday, my children go back to school on Thursday, which just seems crazy to me. However, we are now in the whole “last minute” school supply mode, quickly gathering up everything we can find, shopping everywhere we can think of, and just generally trying to save as much money as possible. We have five children after all, and a supply list that covers the front and back of a legal pad size piece of paper!
It’s almost that time of year again, our children will be wandering the halls of school, sporting new clothing and the prestigious new backpack.
But school supplies can get expensive if you don’t plan ahead.
The Least Frugal Places to Shop for School Supplies
There are just some places that you should avoid purchasing school supplies. The reason is, because no matter how great one deal is, that is how they rope you in. They hope by offering a great deal, you’ll stay and purchase the rest. Not a good idea, if you are truly interested in saving money
Every August, we as parents trek to the store, with a list in hand, to purchase all the supplies our children needs for their grade level. And every year it’s the same old thing. We fight aisles of people who are doing the same. We have trouble finding things on the list. We wonder why they need certain items, and we spend more than we need to.
I honestly think I may have found the best school supply ever. At least for those of us who enjoy living a more frugal lifestyle, always looking for the cheap school supplies! Every year at back to school time we fight strangers for supplies, that quite honestly are expensive and most are used up before first quarter is even over. Then whatever is leftover is usually lost or ruined by the end of second quarter. Leaving you to start all over again mid school year.
Back to School College Textbook Savings
Now’s the time to start thinking about going back to college. For those of you who’d like to get a head start on buying textbooks for a fraction of the cost you’re use to paying, read on…
If you go to college or you know anyone that does, you?d better keep reading. Another college semester is nearly upon us and the thought of buying hundreds of dollars of textbooks might be a little overwhelming. Fortunately, there is one piece of insider information that could save you hundreds on your books.
How to Save Money on School Portraits
This probably seems like a strange article to see so early in the school year, however, for me it’s not that strange. You see, last night we took our two middle school students up to school to pick up their schedules. One of the things we had to do was get their pictures taken, and no school doesn’t start until next week. They have all these id’s and other things they need the photographs for, so they do them on schedule pick up night. So I got to thinking about ways to save on picture packages because quite frankly, they can be extremely expensive!
Throwing a Fun and Frugal Back to School Party
Parties are fun, and are a great way to have a social gathering as well as to meet new people, and stay in touch with friends. However, parties can be expensive, but they don’t have to be. Follow these tips for having a terrific Back to School party for your child and his or her friends.
Saving Some Money on School Supplies
As sad as it seems, at our house, we are already looking at the purchase of school supplies. With three children starting school this Thursday, yes, I said this Thursday, we have to go get them today. Thank you, year-round school. So I sat down with the three school supply lists and decided to figure out how to save money on the supplies we need.
Watch the frugal living blog for more great money saving articles!