Have you been finding that your budget is exploding these days? We actually haven’t been doing too badly, but we have changed our lifestyle just a little bit to accommodate some of the increases in prices. Later this week, I’ll be sharing some of the changes I have made in grocery shopping, for example. Meanwhile, check out this past week’s articles, including two by Nicole. Welcome back!
June 9th
6 Ways to Reduce Our Use of Paper Products
Paper products, such as paper towels, paper plates, paper napkins, baby wipes and even printer paper are certainly convenient in today’s world. But, let’s face it, these products aren’t very frugal. We have come to believe that many of these products are a necessary part of our household, but are they really? Reduce the use of your paper products, and you’ll reduce the amount of money that you spend.
Frugal Living Review: June 2nd Through June 8th
Did you have a good week? I am so grateful to be back from a very bad respiratory infection that drained out my energy. My wonderful husband got me to the doctor just in time to prevent a hospital stay, which wouldn’t have been very frugal at all. But now I can concentrate some more on learning new ways to save money, such as making my own cream soups instead of buying the ones in a can. Check out this past week’s list of articles for that story and more.
June 10th
75 Things You Can Do to Save Money
If you need or want to tighten your budget, there are so many things that you can do to save money. Pick a few from the list and get started today, or try them all. It will be nice to have some extra money available.
June 11th
So many times when we practice frugal living, we concentrate on saving money and making things stretch farther because we have a sense of not having enough otherwise. I think we need to get away from the attitude of not having enough. Instead, we should change it to one of gratitude for what we do have, as well as the opportunity to have enough knowledge and drive to be good stewards of our resources.
The Princess of Frugal Has Returned
Having always been known amongst my family and friends, neighbors and sometimes even strangers as the Queen of Frugal, what’s the deal with the sudden change in name? I’ve taken a step down in my title. I realized that while I can be frugal in many areas of my life, there are just some areas I am not compromising on. My friend commented that I was dethroned and now apparently I am the Princess of Frugal. I’m perfectly okay with that. Really.
June 12th
75 Things You Can Do to Save Money (2)
We are counting out 75 different things that you can do to be frugal and save money. Which ones are your favorites? If you missed the first part of this topic, click here: 75 Things You Can Do to Save Money.
Shopping at Goodwill Saves Loads of Money
Many people who hear the words Goodwill, immediately think donations. And those that realize there are Goodwill stores think they are filled with leftovers and hand-me-downs. They are. But you might be surprised at the bargains and other savings you will get from shopping at a Goodwill store.
June 13th
I’ve been talking about how an attitude of gratitude is important when living frugally. if you missed the first part of this topic, please click here: An Attitude of Gratitude. I really appreciate all of the great comments on that post!