Frugal Living has become such second nature to me, that sometimes I forget to share ideas that I use everyday. I am trying to make a more conscious effort, to pass these along to others, so they can save money too. This past week was filled with excellent articles by three bloggers, all whom I consider quite obviously well-versed, on the art of Frugal Living. There are always a never ending supply of terrific ideas, tips, resources and advice for living a more frugal lifestyle. If you haven’t checked it out late, be sure and visit the Frugal Blog!
Monday April 16th
Once again, we started off our week with several terrific articles. Mary Ann gave us 9 Frugal Ways to Use Your Computer, an excellent look at how to use your computer and save money at the same time! I offered up my Week In Review for April 9th to April 15th, as well as Garage Sales: Frugal Ways To Clean Up Your Stuff, which offered great advice for cleaning up all those items you plan to put into your sale, but for little or no cost!
Tuesday April 17th
In My Forks Runneth Over, Mary Ann tells of her growing collection of mismatched forks and provides some great ideas for what to do with them. In Freezer Cooking: Getting Comfortable, the obvious need of comfort while cooking is addressed. Several great tips are offered, on keeping yourself as comfortable as you can during your freezer cooking sessions.
Wednesday April 18th
New Uses For Clothespins, Mary Ann offers up some great ideas for using up those little wooden clothespins. I have tons from various art projects, and her ideas and tips were excellent. Traci’s Have Some Frugal Fun With Your Inkjet Printer is a humorous look at how she discovered a new frugal way to use her printer. Traci’s personal experiences always make me giggle, as I can relate to how she feels. Mary Ann also provided us with another glimpse into living like the Amish. As I’ve mentioned before, these articles are always a great read. In Frugal Lessons From The Amish: Living It For Real!, she shared her own personal story of how she had a chance to live it for real. No, as she says, she did not join an Amish Community, but circumstances led her to have to live like them, temporarily. Read the article to find out more. In Garage Sales: What Not To Sell (1) was the start of a two part series, where you learned the items that really should not go in a garage sale, and the reasons why.
Thursday April 19th
Finishing up the articles on What Not To Sell at a Garage Sale (2), you will find even more items listed, that really should not be placed in a sale for safety reasons. Again, Mary Ann touched on subject of reusing clothespins in More Uses For Clothespins. In Saving Old Seeds, she showed you how to work magic in your garden. A must read!
Friday April 20th
Finishing off the long work week, Mary Ann found Even More Uses For Clothespins. I cannot get over all the different uses, and hopefully, you will find them useful as well! In Garage Sales: Where To Keep The Cash, there are valuable tips offered on the safety of your money.
Saturday April 21st
Beginning our wonderful Spring weekend, Mary Ann brought us another terrific Amish article. Frugal Lessons From the Amish: Rising Early To Cook, provides a look at, how not only the Amish save money, but they save time as well. In addition, Mary Ann shows us many New Uses For Wire Hangers. Freezer Cooking: Must Have Items gives you a nice start to what is absolutely recommended to have on hand, the day of your freezer cooking session. These items also help for everyday cooking as well!
Sunday, April 22nd
Ending our whole week, Traci takes a very personal approach to sharing how she financially struggles, but how grateful she is for what she does have, in I Am Broke and Grateful: Three Ways To Appreciate The Things You Have. A very personal article, written only the powerful way Traci can. With all the pregnant and TCC women on, Mary Ann ended our week with an excellent article, teaching us how to Make Your Own Nursing Pads. I wanted to round up the week with a great article on supplies that make your cooking experience easier, in Freezer Cooking: Supplies That Make It Easier.