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Frugal Living Week in Review: March 17th Through March 23rd

We have been talking a lot about the recession and the rising cost of food here in the Frugal Blog. This is a good time to start practicing frugal living or refining your frugality. I’ll continue to bring you comprehensive articles to help you save your money and resources, especially on food. Check out the articles from this past week. And as always, I welcome your comments and suggestions.

March 17th

Frugal Living Week in Review: March 10th Through March 16th

Do you know how to cut your grocery bill? What about practicing debt management? With these uncertain economic times, it is important to save money and resources where you can. I hope that the past week’s frugal articles will help you to accomplish some great saving goals.

The Best Things to Buy Used: Sports Equipment

Sports equipment can be a great deal when it is used. Of course, there is one exception to this area, and that is helmets. I wouldn’t ever buy a used helmet because you don’t know what it has been subjected to by its previous owners. It might not have been in an accident, but it could have been carelessly tossed on to concrete or used inappropriately. I got a great deal on new helmets through my son’s preschool program.

Frugal Easter Basket Ideas

Have you shopped the Easter goodies aisles at your local mart store, yet? It is amazing. There are all sort of things for Easter, from gourmet chocolates to gourmet easter grass made of of real wood shavings or handmade patterned paper! A single basket with goodies could easily run $70 or more. Pre-made baskets are less, but underneath the cellophane, cardboard and shredded paper, you’ll find just a couple of cheap toys and a handful of cheap candy, if you are lucky.

March 18th

Being Frugal Can Make You Healthier

Some people think of frugal zealots as poor, miserable wretches. Of course we know better. But just in case you want one more reason to feel proud about being frugal, here you go. Frugality can lead to a healthier lifestyle. And now, here is my explanation.

Decorating on a Penny

Want to update your room without spending a lot of money? Try these ideas that are cheap but look fabulous.

March 19th

Frugal Fabric Ideas

In my earlier article about low budget decorating: Decorating on a Penny, deedee1231 left a great comment about how she repurposes second hand sheets and large drapes to make curtains. She is currently in a dilemma, though, because her daughter’s room has five windows, and she can’t find enough fabric to make all of the curtains. She asks for ideas.

March 20th

Flour Prices Are High and Will Continue Rising!

You may have read my earlier blog where I warned that wheat and wheat products would be rising soon. I suggested that you stock up on flour, bread, cereal and other wheat-based products. I hope you heeded my advice because the prices are definitely “going through the roof.” And, these prices will continue to rise over the next few weeks or months.

Eliminating Unnecessary Food

Food is rising at a rate that is close to 35 percent above prices from last year. And analysts tell us it will continue to rise even more. That is pretty scary. After all, while we may be able to go without some things to get by, food is an absolute necessity. So how can we make sure that we continue to feed our families good meals in spite of not being able to afford as much food? Here are some strategies to help us along.

Free Hot Water

Sometimes you can get really creative when the situation requires it. Here is a great tip I learned from someone who had temporarily run out of heating oil. Fortunately it was in the summer, so there was no fear of freezing to death. Unfortunately, because it was during the summer, there was no rush for the oil company to rectify the situation immediately, leaving the family without hot water for two days.

March 21st

Fast Food Recession Menu

One thing that the economy is stimulating is the desire for restaurants to capture whatever money you are willing to spend on outside food. As food prices increase and people start to panic, there is less eating out. Even typical college or high school kids, who tend to be fast food’s biggest customers, are spending their money to fuel their cars instead of their bodies

A Guide to Salvage Grocery Shopping

Have you heard of salvage grocery shopping? You can save 25 to 60 percent off of your groceries if you practice this method of frugality. But, you need to be careful, too. I’ll share all of the information about what salvage grocery shopping it, how to do it and what tips you’ll need to successful.

A Guide to Salvage Grocery Shopping 2

Have you heard of salvage grocery shopping? You can save 25 to 60 percent off of your groceries if you practice this method of frugality. But, you need to be careful, too. I’ll share all of the information about what salvage grocery shopping it, how to do it and what tips you’ll need to successful.

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About Mary Ann Romans

Mary Ann Romans is a freelance writer, online content manager, wife and mother of three children. She lives in Pennsylvania in the middle of the woods but close enough to Target and Home Depot. The author of many magazine, newspaper and online articles, Mary Ann enjoys writing about almost any subject. "Writing gives me the opportunity to both learn interesting information, and to interact with wonderful people." Mary Ann has written more than 5,000 blogs for Families.com since she started back in December 2006. Contact her at maromans AT verizon.net or visit her personal blog http://homeinawoods.wordpress.com