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Frugal Living Week in Review: October 15th Through October 21st

From saving money on meals to free flowers, it has been a mix of different money saving tips here in the frugal living blog, where you’ll find all sorts of ideas to make your money go as far as it can. That is important, especially now when oil prices are going up and the cold weather will be setting in for good in the next few weeks. And you really won’t want to miss our guest blogger at the start of her mission to save on groceries.

October 15th

Keeping Warm with Blankets

Using blankets is a very frugal strategy. The cost savings over many years makes blankets earn their keep many times over. Think of it this way: each layer of blankets that you add to your bed at night saves you many dollar a year in your heating cost.

Frugal Living Week in Review: October 8th Through October 14th

Are you ready for Halloween? Nicole has posted a bunch of Halloween articles that will help with your planning. For the more day to day, check out info on milk prices and school lunches. And, can you adopt the philosophy to “buy nothing?” This and other interesting articles are all here for you in the Frugal Living Week in Review: October 8th Through October 14th.

October 16th

4 Ways to Avoid Impulse Buying

We’ve all been there, shopping around for something when something else catches our eye. We find that although we have lived without it for a lifetime, we still need to have that thing and have it now. So it ends up in our hands or cart, and our money ends up out of our bank account.

October 17th

3 Meals that Feed Your Family for $1.50 or Less

Yes, you can actually feed a family of four or more for $1.50 or less. Keep these meals in mind during emergency times or add them to you regular meal planning. Here are three meals that will cost just pennies to create. They are completely flexible. These aren’t recipes, per se, but meal ideas that you can adapt to fit your family and what you have available. I didn’t count in the cost of drinks, since we usually just have water, which is free or sometimes milk, which can add to the cost of the meal.

October 18th

Stretching Out a Meal Kit

Prepackaged meal kits can be fun and easy for busy families, but they hardly provide enough food for most families. There are some inexpensive ways to stretch out prepackaged meal kits and make sure that everyone has enough to eat.

Free Flowers

Want to stock your garden with beautiful high quality flowers without spending a cent? Then you’ll want to read this article. I’ll tell you how.

October 19th

New Uses for Blanket Plastic Bags

Do you know those zippered or snapped plastic bags that come with blankets, comforters and sheet sets? They seem so useful and a shame to throw out, don’t they? They are made of sturdy plastic and they have that convenient zipper or snaps to close the bags and protect something, right? You keep the bags thinking that they might be useful to restore those blankets and sheets, but no matter how you fold them, the blankets, comforters or sheets just won’t fit again. Well, read on to find some ways you can give them new life, saving money in the process.

October 21st

Five Ways to Save Water in the Fall

Saving water usually means saving money. Here are five practical ways that you can use to save this resource.

Steal These Outdoor Ideas!

Do you remember the friend I often mention? The one that is the queen of trash to treasure? She creates some fabulous spaces using things that she has acquired through curb shopping or freecycle. Well, I want to a party at her home last night, and I am now loaded with ideas from her backyard that I am going to shameless steal. I suggest that you you steal them too. I just hope she doesn’t come after us all later. Just kidding.

Extreme Makeover: Grocery Bill Edition

A big thanks to Mary Ann and Nicole for letting me share my frugal journey here with you all. Truth be told I’m not entirely that frugal. It is in part due to the fact that we live in the city. Categories actually exist in my budget that other people wouldn’t dream of putting in theirs. (Do you have a category in your budget specifically for parking tickets? I didn’t think so.) Furthermore, daily living here is just more difficult to manage without spending any money.

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About Mary Ann Romans

Mary Ann Romans is a freelance writer, online content manager, wife and mother of three children. She lives in Pennsylvania in the middle of the woods but close enough to Target and Home Depot. The author of many magazine, newspaper and online articles, Mary Ann enjoys writing about almost any subject. "Writing gives me the opportunity to both learn interesting information, and to interact with wonderful people." Mary Ann has written more than 5,000 blogs for Families.com since she started back in December 2006. Contact her at maromans AT verizon.net or visit her personal blog http://homeinawoods.wordpress.com