My daughter just finished her first year of preschool. I was so proud of her as she walked out of her classroom with an armload of paperwork, photos, pictures and other treasures she’d been creating.
As I rifled through the gigantic caterpillar poster, the pudding hand-prints, the cotton ball animal farm and the seemingly endless stack of smiley faces and rainbow drawings I had a mini-panic attack. I can’t keep all of this, can I? I certainly can’t throw it away. There is too much stuff to fill a scrapbook. What now?
I grabbed my wrapping paper box and tossed the artistic treasures under my bed. Out of site, out of mind…right?
Last night while I was busy writing; my daughter brought me a picture. It was adorable, “it’s a Mr. Heart Man mommy”. “Oh..we have to show this to your Grandma”. I placed the picture into my scanner with plans to e-mail “Mr. Heart Man” to my mother who lives in Minnesota.
Suddenly, I was reminded of the overflowing treasure box under my bed. Maybe my mom would like a chocolate hand print too. I kept scanning.
Soon, I had four of Jenna’s pictures on my desktop and was getting ready to e-mail them. A light bulb went off. Rather than trying to stuff everything into a scrapbook, why not “blog” them? I’ve had a free blog I’ve been using for quite some time now when I want to jot down random thoughts about my kids. I started uploading Jenna’s pictures to my blog and within a few hours I had an online “scrapbook” of all of her preschool treasures.
While I am not quite ready to toss the “hard-copies” yet, it feels great to know that I am able to share our memories in an affordable, quick and convenient way. If you are interested in starting your own family scrapbooking blog take some time and read the posts written by my multi-talented frugal blogging partner, Mary Ann Romans, who recently started blogging in the computing topic.