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Frugal Month in Review: October 2008


“Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth
seeking the successive autumns.”
– George Eliot

October has come and gone, but we can still enjoy fall and the celebration of Thanksgiving and all of the great joys of the season. Take a look back at all of the ways to save money that were featured last month.

October 1st

Frugal Halloween Costumes

It is fall and Halloween is approaching fast, are you ready? What do the kids want to be? You can make some great homemade costumes without sewing. And the best part, yet is that you can give the kids exactly what they want, such as popular characters or classic characters. Here are some ideas, along with general directions to go along with them.

Frugal Month in Review: September 2008

Now that September is come and gone and the kiddies are settled back into school and regular routines, it is time to welcome the fall. Still, there is plenty of good stuff that went on in September, including a bunch of ways to save money.

October 2nd

Five Little Grocery Shopping Tricks: Shelf Placement

Grocery stores are pulling out all of the stops these days to try to get as much of your hard earned money as they can. If you often find yourself coming out of the store with more items than you planned or spending more than your budgeted, then chances are that you have been a victim of one of five little grocery shopping tricks.

October 3rd

Breakfast for Dinner

If you want to save some money on your grocery bill, try this trick. It really does work!

Five Little Grocery Shopping Tricks: Size Matters

Not one to want to make you paranoid, but in the world we live in, everyone will do what they can to get you to spend money in their favor. The grocery stores are no exception. They want to trick you into buying more than you want or need, and they aren’t shy about it. I’ve been talking about the different ways that grocery stores arrange things to influence you. Don’t fall into their trap. Be aware of some of the methods that cause you to spend more.

October 6th

Frugal Living Week in Review: September 29th Through October 5th

How is your grocery bill these days? I have been sharing some trick and tips this past week that will allow you to save. Still, prices can be steep. Remember when chicken was cheap? Not anymore.

Five Little Grocery Shopping Tricks: Hide and Seek

Ooh, those clever, clever grocery stores. They have all sorts of subliminal tricks up their proverbial sleeves to make you part with as much of your money as they can. You might be surprised to learn that a lot of the shopping you do is a direct result of marketing, rather than your own well-thought-out shopping decisions.

October 7th

Spend Less on Home Heating

Spend Less on Home Heating 2

Chilly mornings and nights are starting to occur here. I had vowed to not turn on the heat for at least another week, but when I returned from taking the kids to the park, I found that my husband had given in. He was working from home and doesn’t have my stubborness for saving on home heating costs.

October 8th

Your Reuse Ideas Could Earn $100

Reusing is a great way to be frugal and green at the same time. Here in the Frugal Living Blog and the Reuse Category in this blog, we have found many ways to reuse all sorts of things from tennis balls to sawdust. But now, one magazine is asking for your ideas, and they are willing to pay $100 for them.

October 9th

How to Get First Pick at Outgrown Sales

This weekend, there are two very big outgrown sales near my home. These are the type of sales that frugal people like myself wait for all year long. I can get some really nice children’s clothing and toys for less than the cost of new. One thing, though that will be different this year, is that there will be a lot more competition for the bargains.

October 13th

Five Little Grocery Shopping Tricks: Look Left and Right

When it comes to shopping for groceries, we need all of the help we can get. Rising prices and reduced coupon values make reducing your grocery bill by 70 percent a thing of the past. And those grocery stores have plenty of tricks up their sleeves to get you to buy the products they want you to buy and to buy as many of them as they need you to do. We’ve been going over the different strategies these stores use to grab your shopping dollar, Now here is a really sneaky one.

October 14th

Frugal Living Week in Review: October 6th Through October 12th

Are you worried about the economy? Who isn’t right? Well, one way to cope is by practicing frugal living. Check out last week’s articles, and be sure to check out the archives, too. Just click on one of the frugal categories, from Conservation to Shopping, for a wealth of information.

Frugal Gifts for Hard Times

Practically everyone I know seems to be struggling one way or another in these economic times. With the holiday season approaching, it is more important than ever to practice responsible gift giving. This not only means reigning in the spending for yourself, but also giving gifts that are especially thoughtful during this time. Your gift can not only be a delight but also make a positive impact financially. Really think about what your friends, family and associates need. Is it another coffee mug, or would a basil plant in that mug save them money on cooking? Does your nephew need a $50 video game or would an older used game plus three discounted or second-hand sweaters that will keep him warm make better sense? Maybe the family will need to cut back on heating to make ends meet this winter.

October 15th

A Tale of Three Chickens

On Sunday, whole roasting chickens went on sale at our local grocery store for 99 cents a pound. While this isn’t a great deal, it is the best one that I have seen in the last two years in my neck of the woods, barring the very infrequent buy one get one free sales or raising the chickens myself. These were for a particular name brand roasting chicken that I find generally produces more breast meat for the same weight as the store brand chickens.

A Tale of Three Chickens 2

Chicken number one got roasted on Monday, along with some onions and part of the large amount of carrots on which I also got a good deal. On Tuesday, I placed chicken number two in the crock pot to cook on low all day, while I simmered the bones from chicken number one in the stock pot. The crock pot chicken just fell off of the bones, making it so easy to divide.

October 16th

Frugal Fall at Home

I just love the fall! Crunching the leaves underfoot, the cooler temperatures that invite you to snuggle under a blanket or don a soft sweatshirt or sweater, the crisp sound of a bite into that first apple, hunting for pumpkins, fall decorating, the wonderful smells coming from the oven and more. It has to be one of my favorite times of the year.

October 17th

Coupons for Online Savings

Shopping online can not only be convenient, but also very frugal. Online prices of even traditional stores can be lower than most retail outfits. Wal-mart, for instance, often has items online for less than at their stores. And if you don’t want to bother with shipping, you can order them online and then visit the store to pick them up at no additional cost.

October 20th

Frugal Living Week in Review: October 13th Through October 19th

It is not too early to start thinking about the upcoming holidays. Early planning can often save you a bundle. You can take everyday ideas, such as making freezer meals and apply them for the holidays. Meanwhile, check out last week’s frugal articles.

October 21st

How to Save on Laundry: 10 Ways

Laundry is just a fact of life. It is one of those renewable chores that sometimes makes you feel as if you were given a test from the heavens above, since it never seems to be completed, no matter how you try. You can get all of your wash done for the day, only to be confronted by more as soon as someone comes home and changes their clothes.

October 22nd

Tooth Fairy Generous Despite the Economy

Practically everyone is looking toward frugal living in order to deal with the serious issues in our current economy. One entity, however, that is not tightening her belt is the tooth fairy. Should the Tooth Fairy be more frugal or is her generosity in fact related to the recession?

October 23rd

Favorite Sources for Frugal Holiday Gifts (They aren’t thrift stores)

Have you started thinking about getting those holiday gifts? A friend of mine is already finished with her gift shopping. Ugh. I am just not that organized, although I have the best intentions. When shopping for holiday gifts, it is important to shop smart. This way, you can make your money stretch well, and you won’t be faced with high credit card bills in January.

October 24th

Anatomy of A Frugal Kid

If you dissect a frugal kid, what do all of the parts look like? Don’t worry, this isn’t some creepy Halloween story. In fact, it is just a way of taking a look at how we typically live our frugal life and how it doesn’t take a lot of spending for the care and feeding of a typical kid who is healthy and happy.

Anatomy of A Frugal Kid 2

I’m continuing my examination of a typical frugal kid, as he appeared this morning while waiting for the bus stop. You can see that it doesn’t take a lot of money to have a healthy and happy kid. If you missed the first post, click here: Anatomy of A Frugal Kid.

October 25th

Trendy Home Made Christmas Gifts

Yes, I know Christmas is still two months away, but what better time to get started on making some great Christmas gifts. Forget the old crocheted pot holders. While they may be nice, they certainly aren’t the most requested on everyone’s wish list. Instead take a look at what the trends say are going to be the hottest requested and given gifts this Christmas season. Home made gifts are definitely in for this season, probably because everyone is so budget conscious.

October 26th

Average Retail Milk Prices for September 2008

Milk prices have increase greatly since the first time I started keeping track of the milk pricing report that lists retail milk prices across the country. I remember watching the milk prices creep up a few cents here and there, with the average price somewhere around $2.31 a gallon for whole milk. Today things are a little different.

October 27th

Frugal Living Week in Review: October 20th Through October 26th

Have you been thinking about Christmas, yet? It is crazy, but the stores all have their decorations, gift items and accessories all in place. I’ve done a bit of Christmas shopping, using some of my favorite secret spots for a bargain. Check out the article posted last week that talks all about it.

October 28th

3 Self-Reliant Ways to Be Frugal

Doing things for yourself often means that you will also save money. There are so many ways that you can be a bit more self-reliant that will naturally make you frugal as well. I’m just going to cover three of them here today, but the next time you are confronted with an area of your budget that you want to tighten up, see if there is a way that you can be more self-reliant.

October 29th

How to Have a Frugal Thanksgiving

In terms of frugal living, Thanksgiving isn’t a bad holiday. There are no expensive presents to buy, no fancy decorations to purchase, and anything you do spend on food is usually worth it. Plus you and your guest may walk away with lots of leftovers that will be put to good use feeding you and your family.

October 30th

How to Find Video Games for Pennies

Are your “kiddos” gathering their Christmas lists? My kids are already having this discussion. I overheard them taking at our dining room table with the neighbor kids while everyone was coloring. My daughter wants “ruby shoes,” and my son is hoping for a video game.

October 31st

Last Minute Halloween Treats

Running out of candy and treats for Halloween tonight? Save yourself an expensive trip to the store. Here are several ideas that are frugal, too!

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About Mary Ann Romans

Mary Ann Romans is a freelance writer, online content manager, wife and mother of three children. She lives in Pennsylvania in the middle of the woods but close enough to Target and Home Depot. The author of many magazine, newspaper and online articles, Mary Ann enjoys writing about almost any subject. "Writing gives me the opportunity to both learn interesting information, and to interact with wonderful people." Mary Ann has written more than 5,000 blogs for Families.com since she started back in December 2006. Contact her at maromans AT verizon.net or visit her personal blog http://homeinawoods.wordpress.com