Sometimes even frugal people can get a bit down. At some point, you might feel bad about not being able to spend more money. After all, you see everyone else doing it, and the media is screaming at you to spend. But, remember that frugal living is a choice. You are chosen to spend less to meet whatever personal goals that you have, such as being able to be a stay-at-home parent, afford a house in a nice neighborhood, save for college or even just to make ends meet.
When those times hit when you need just a little pick me up, try one of the following ideas. They can make you get your smile back without making you spend a lot of money.
Allow a little indulgence. It is okay to spend just a little once in a while. Go and hit the local dollar store and pick just one thing. You can choose whatever you want without guilt, no matter how silly.
I find that visiting the library always does it for me. There are a ton of books, videos, music, magazine and more, and I can load up on whatever I want all for free!
Sometimes creating a new space at home can really give you a pick me up moment. Take 30 minutes to declutter and or rearrange your furniture. You’ll get a different perspective. Just cleaning the windows can often let in additional light that gives you a different perspective on things.
Take a walk through your local neighborhood or drive to a local park. Being out in nature and getting a little bit of exercise is a natural mood enhancer. Plus, long walks give you time to think and put things into perspective.
Think of all of the things that you are grateful for today. It could be as simple as “I ate breakfast.” (Not everyone in the world can say that every day.) Sometimes you start out slow with this one, but you’ll quickly pick up speed and find so much about which to be thankful. And realizing how much you have is a real mood booster.