Sewing your own garments and linens can definitely save you a lot of cash. But did you know that there are tips to make the most of your sewing to save pennies more? Here are some frugal sewing tips that I have collected.
For sewing patterns, save the liners from cereal boxes. They make nice, sturdy sewing patterns that can be used over and over again without tearing. You can fold the patterns for storage, too. And, you can’t beat the fact that the liners are free for the taking.
Turn existing items into new ones. There are so many places where you can find free fabric, stuff that you already have around the house. Some good examples are baby blankets, towels, old clothing, such as sweaters, t-shirts and jeans, sheets and more. You can make baby bibs, slippers, belts, hats, purses and bags, washcloths and pet beds, just to name a few ideas. Look around at what you have and then get creative. There is no need to purchase new fabric for every project.
Turn your sewing hobby into a job that makes money. You can do tailoring, make quilts, make blankets out of baby clothing, make crafts, make clothing and more. There are plenty of people who will pay for personal attention from someone who sews.
Use the public library for sewing ideas and patterns. You can copy the patterns out of the book as needed, borrowing it instead of buying.
For sewing materials, check out thrift stores, craigslist and eBay. There are plenty of folks out there who bought lots of sewing stuff to start a new hobby, only to abandon it. Take advantage of their stock of stuff that is now available for free.
The Internet also has plenty of free or low cost patterns that you can download. Some talented sewers will even create or alter a pattern just for you.
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, technology in the Computing Blog, and creating a home in the Home Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here.
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