A new spa opened up a couple of years ago near our home. I have to tell you that whenever I go in to get my hair cut in the salon part of the building I always have to wonder about how wonderful it would be to get a spa treatment. I even flip through the options book. But with treatments ranging from $90 to $3,000, the spa is not compatible with frugal living.
So you can imagine how delighted I was to see some suggestions for spa treatments at home using natural materials. While the focus of the article was on natural solutions as opposed to high tech chemicals, I found that with a little altering, the solutions would also work for those of us practicing good frugal stewardship with our money.
The original suggestions came from a magazine called Body & Soul (wholelivingcom). The alterations are my own.
Instead of a spa treatment using alpha-hydroxy acid, use a natural source in sour cream. The lactic acid can brighten your complexion and speed the cell turnover. You can also try yogurt. Spread a full-fat two tablespoon serving of sour cream over your face. You’ll want to avoid the eye area and the lip area. You can also use the sour cream on your neck. Leave the sour cream on your face for ten minutes. Then gently remove it with a warm washcloth. Follow with a warm rinse of water. Pick up a store brand for the best savings.
If your feet are feeling rough and dry, turn to some yummy pineapple to break down that dead skin. There is an enzyme called bromelain that helps slough off that rough skin. Combine this treatment with a pumice stone or a sugar rub (raw sugar and oil) and follow it with a good moisturizer and you’ll be all set. what you need to do is to puree the pineapple in a food processor and then massage your feet with the pulp. To be even more frugal, see if you can get a discount at the store on a bruised fruit.
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, creating a home in the Home Blog, caring for little ones in the Baby Blog and now relationships in the Marriage Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here or subscribe to the blog using the subscription box on the right.
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