It’s right around the corner, and it’s a time for much cooking and family camaraderie. So what happens when you are making the Thanksgiving feast and you’re the frugal type? How do you do it without breaking the bank?
It really isn’t that difficult actually.
Traditionally, ham or turkey are served as part of a Thanksgiving feast. Some families incorporate special dishes or ethnic dishes that involve their heritage.
It doesn’t matter what you decide to serve, it can be done frugally and it’s not that difficult.
Plan ahead
You should already be planning your dinner. You should know what you want to serve at this feast. What dishes do family members expect to see? You will need to begin purchasing the ingredients and items needed to prepare your Thanksgiving supper. It’s time and you shouldn’t have any trouble finding things at a considerable discount with the holiday season rapidly approaching.
Take Inventory
Before you run out to the store and purchase your ingredients, take a quick inventory of what you might already have. For instance, see that can at the back of the pantry – yep that’s the evaporated milk you purchased last year. It should still be good, as the expiration dates are far away, so pull it out and that can be used. You don’t have to purchase what you already have. Be sure and check your freezer, refrigerator, pantry and spice cabinet to see what you already have.
Bargain Shop
The grocery stores know their sales will sky rocket this time of year as families prepare these enormous meals for Thanksgiving. Their produce, meats and many staples are already rapidly dropping in price. Take advantage of their reduced prices and stock up. Use coupons, watch for double coupons and don’t forget to check the grocery store ads that come in the mail and the newspaper. Remember that you can purchase breads from a bread outlet or even a local bakery and can day old bread (which is still just as good) for cheap. Just freeze it until you are ready to use it.
Keep your eye on the frugal living blog this month for great seasonal and holiday articles on everything from meals to decorating and everything in between.
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