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Frugal Thinking

Have you read the Frugal Blog on Families recently? Well, even if the word frugal drives fear down your spine… I recommend reviewing the mindset. Living frugally is more than just saving money, it is almost a religion.

While not everyone has the discipline to truly live a frugal lifestyle, if you want to be good with money – it is important to grasp some of its teachings. A common criticism is that frugal choices are mostly about the little things, like saving pennies by washing plastic bags. Although this can be true, little things can add up to big things down the road.

For more frugal living advice, I will let you visit their blog. For me here on Money, my goal is to help you learn to adapt your thinking. I want you to start considering more of a frugal mindset. This will help you with both big and small money decisions.

Consider a big picture choice like an investment. Some of us would just call up the first stock broker in the phone book and hand them a check. Those who were acting frugally would not take this approach. Part of being careful with your money, involves shopping around and looking at every angle. In the case of investments, this scenario of the stock broker will cost you a pretty penny and may not actually provide you the best return. Stock brokers will charge you a hefty commission to deal your money, while something like a no-load, mutual fund could give you a nice return with minimal fees and no commissions. Which way would you want to go?

When you think frugally, it is more about looking at your money from different angles. Is there a way to do this cheaper? Can I still generate the same outcome for less cost? I am not suggesting you start pinching every penny, but certainly stopping to really think through your money decisions can often make a huge difference in your long term financial success.

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