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Frugal Uses for Leftover Chicken With Recipe

Leftovers are not very popular around our house, simply because children don’t exactly enjoy eating the same thing twice. Besides that, the taste and texture can change the flavor when it is reheated. So it was time for me to find some new ways to use items that we often have as leftovers. I became obsessed on my quest and decided to share my experience with others.

Chicken is a favorite around our house. We eat it several times a week, in different ways. Finding ways to use leftover chicken, is not nearly as hard as it sounds. In fact, there are dozens of recipes that call for a cup or two of cubed or pieces of chicken.

First, if you made a whole chicken, you will need to de-bone the chicken and save the pieces. Some recipes call for pieces of chicken, while others require cubes. I will tell you, that so far, I have not had any recipe turn out badly that asked me to cube chicken, if I threw in pieces and strands of the chicken. Tastes the same to us.

If you used chicken breasts, you can actually cut the breasts into cubes, if you desire. If you use drumsticks, or any other type of chicken with bone-in, you can just shred or pull the chicken off.

Things you can do with the leftover chicken:

  • Add it to noodles and add sauce.
  • Throw it into a soup or stew.
  • Make it into chicken salad and put it on a sandwich.
  • If you have several chicken breasts left, use them to make a whole sandwich.
  • Add leftover chicken to casseroles calling for chicken, or crock pot recipes.
  • Add chicken pieces to salads or cold pastas.

Chicken can be turned into a whole new meal, by adding it to quesadillas, tacos, pasta dishes, sandwich or sub recipes, and honestly just by looking for recipes that call for cubed chicken. Be innovative in your kitchen and try to find new uses for those leftovers.

Here’s a favorite recipe for pasta with chicken.

Cajun Noodle and Chicken Pasta

8 ounces of any type of pasta

2 cups of chicken chunks, cubes or pieces

1-2 teaspoons of Cajun seasoning, add more if you want it spicier

4 tablespoons of butter

1 green onion, chopped

2 cups of heavy cream

1/2 teaspoon basil

1/2 teaspoon garlic salt

1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese

To Prepare:

Prepare pasta noodles as directed on package; drain. Place your chicken and Cajun seasoning into a large plastic baggie, and shake to coat. In a skillet, over medium heat, sauté the chicken in butter for five to seven minutes. Add the green onion, and continue to sauté 2-3 minutes. Reduce the heat to low. Add the cream, basil, garlic salt and pepper. Heat thoroughly, stirring often. Add the noodles, and toss. Heat thoroughly, stirring often. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese, and serve. This is one of our favorites, and you can substitute the chicken with ground hamburger or turkey.

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Frugal Uses for Leftover Chicken

Frugal Uses for Leftovers

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